I'm so behind in posting blogs! I love blogging and think about blogging often but I just don't seem to do it! Just like this blog, it's something I should have posted about 2 weeks ago! Oh well, I hope it still shows what I wanted to then!
I recently made a random road trip to KC/Kansas. My friend Amber asked me to come see a Cubs vs Royals game that she had an extra ticket for. I have not really been to many baseball games so I said why not! I got off from work on Saturday at 12 and drove to KC. I had tons of fun with amber! We first went in search for a outfit for the game. We decided to go for KC. We got our outfits finally after searching everywhere. You would think that in KC they would have stuff for the baseball team... but not really. They have more Mizzou stuff that KC stuff! Sunday was the day of the game. We got up and went to church before heading to the game. At church the pastor was talking about timing. This would have been the second time in two weeks that the sermon I've been sitting in on has talked about timing. I was thinking... hum, maybe God is wanting to show me something. The rest of the day was a blast. The game was so much fun! After the game i drove to Kansas to see another friend. I ate dinner with her and her family. It was really good to be around the Brenners again. They are really good friends. The whole trip was just amazing.
On my way home, i had alot of time to think and talk to God. I've been a little confused lately on what he wants to do with my life and I know I've been trying to take control. I decided that while i was driving to just give up that control. Believe me, I don't like not knowing, but God being in control is so much better than anything I could ever do/accomplish. All the sermons that I kept hearing, I felt like God was trying to reassure me that he could do this, that I didn't need to keep trying to do it on my own. I shouldn't have been trying to anyways. A few days later, a lady from Columbia College came into the Bank were I work. She asked to speak with me. I was a little caught off guard because i thought maybe something with my school had gone wrong. It made me a little nervous, not going to lie. She asked me about summer classes and then said she had a job opening. She said she saw me around the bank and said that I have great people skills. She said she wanted me to come apply for the job because she thought i would work out well there. I later found out that the job was a Administrative Assistant. It was actually her Assistant!! It was a huge blessing and a huge sign from the Lord. I felt like he was saying, "See, you let me have it and look what I did." How many times have I done this to God? How many times could he have blessed me and I've messed it up?? Seriously!!! It's not easy but I am trying to daily give the keys of my life to the Lord. I say daily because I know very much so that I keep taking them back. It sucks to say but I know I do. I have to remind myself daily, "Kayla, have you given him the keys? Have you given him control?" God is so amazing!!! I don't understand why I would ever try and do anything without him. So that's my rant for now... :)
P.s. I got the job, I start July 25. Its actually the week of my birthday. What's crazy is about 2 years basically on the same day I started working at the bank. God worked that one out too...He he beyond amazing. Here is a fun picture from the game!